A friendly river with a gentle current – ideal for the whole family! Let the kids paddle a kayak
or float in their own tube. You do not need experience to canoe the Chippewa. There are
no waves or rapids – just let the 4 m.p.h. current carry you downstream. Chippewa River
Outfitters will place you in our canoes at any of our launching sites for an afternoon picnic
trip, adventurous overnight campout in Deerfield County Park or an explorative & relaxing
canoe trip downstream. Chippewa River Outfitters offers you many options. Enjoy our
canoes, kayaks or tubes and your car will be waiting for you at Chippewa River Outfitters.

Kayaking is also here for your enjoyment. Experience is not a requirement.
Those who want an extra dose of excitement & fun should try Kayaking.

Tubing is ideal for Mom, Dad or the whole family. Enjoy a cool ride while you float, kick or splash along on the crystal clear Chippewa River.

Chippewa River Outfitters has many canoes, kayaks and tubes to serve you. We recommend only two people per canoe, except where there are small children. Rates are per canoe. We provide each canoe with paddles, a USCG–approved life jacket for each person in the canoe and free van transportation for all members of your party.

We operate rain or shine. Rain right before your trip may improve your canoeing experience. If weather conditions are extreme, water currents too swift, or water levels too high, we issue a rain check. We do not issue refunds due to inclement weather. Rain checks will be issued and must be used in season issued.

Due to the popularity of canoeing and to avoid disappointment, reservations are recommended – especially on weekends. Cancellations must be made with at least 24–hour notice to be eligible for refunds. However, group cancellations must be made with at least 48–hour notice of reservation date for refunds. Reservations require partial payment. Credit cards are accepted. Reservations of 4 or more canoes or kayaks require a credit card to secure your reservation. 10 tubes or more also require a credit card. Walk–ins and short notice reservations are welcome on a space–available basis.
Your Responsibility
You are responsible for your own safety. No liability is accepted by Chippewa River Outfitters or its employees. The abuse of alcoholic beverages during canoe outings is prohibited. Beer kegs, glass containers, Jell–O shots, and Styrofoam coolers are prohibited. The Isabella County Sheriffs Department enforces state laws and local ordinances. Please keep the river clean. Do not litter. There is no garbage service along the river so pack it in and pack it out. Patrons recklessly causing damage to equipment will be charged. There will be a charge for broken or lost equipment. Glass containers should not be taken on the river.